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Curve Editor

The SpeedTree Modeler incorporates curves in the majority of its properties, which allow for easy and detail-oriented modifications to static property values. The curve editor is the interface feature that allows you to view and edit curves.

Most properties can be controlled by one or more curves.

When you click on a curve in the properties window (below, left), the curve editor appears (below, right). The curve editor is an interactive window that gives you a detailed view of the curve, and options for shaping it.

For specific details about the different types of SpeedTree curves and their functions, please see the Curves page.


Components of the curve toolbar, common to all curves, are as follows:

Curve Window

The lighter gray area in which the curve is contained. The range is (0,0) to (1, Max). This is where you can directly edit and modify the curve shape.

Note: The curve can be edited in such a way as to exceed the vertical range and exit the light gray portion of the window into the darker gray area. However, this is not generally recommended as it can cause undesirable model behavior. You can increase the range by modifying the property's numerical value.

Preset Curve Shapes

Standard Curve Presets

Note: - The preset shapes pictured below are designed to be used with Season Curves and Resolution Curves. That doesn't prevent their use with other curve types, but as the shapes are highly specialized, they are not likely to be of much use elsewhere.

Season Curve Presets


Resolution Curve Presets
