====== Classic ====== Classic mode exists to support legacy models. It should not be used on current models. Favor [[genmode_interval|Interval]], [[genmode_phyllotaxy|Phyllotaxy]], and [[genmode_bifurcation|Bifurcation]] instead. ==== Style ==== == Absolute == For __Generation: Frequency__ and __Steps: Number__, the exact value you enter will be set. >**Example:** If __Generation: Frequency__ is 3, then 3 nodes will appear. If you then change the __Step: Number__ to 3, you will get 3 steps on the spine with 3 nodes in each step. == Relative == __Generation: Frequency__ and __Steps: Number__ values are computed based on the length of the parent node. >**Example:** If __Generation: Style__ is set to relative, this integer becomes a floating point value and the actual number of nodes generated is computed based on the length of the parent. So, if both the __Generation: Frequency__ and the __Step: Number__ is set to 3, you will get 3 steps on the spine with 3 nodes in each step for the spine length value you have set. However, if the branches are shorter or longer, the node amount for __Generation: Frequency__ and __Step: Number__ may vary: fewer nodes for a short spine length and more nodes for a longer spine length. == Frequency == Sets the number of nodes generated === Orientation === == Alignment == Specifies how the local up axis aligns with the global up vector from the following options: ^None | Nodes have a random orientation. | ^Align | The first node in each step is centered vertically on its parent. | ^Center Align | Each step is re-aligned so the Sweep range is centered vertically on its parent. | >**Note:** If 'Steps' are disabled, the initial generation angle is centered vertically on the parent node instead. == Balanced == Nodes can be balanced (equally spaced) radially by enabling this property. >**Note:** Changing the __Generation: Frequency__ or __Generation: Step: Number__ properties will result in positional shifting in order to maintain equal spacing. == Offset == The computed angle for each node is offset [+/-] between 0 and this amount. == Sweep == Defines the arc around the parent node where nodes are eligible. >**Note:** Balance is applied after the "Sweep" arc is defined. == Roll == Each node is rotated this absolute amount from its computed angle. === Steps === ==Enabled== When enabled, nodes are grouped into lengthwise "steps" along the parent node. Balance, angle offset, and other properties will be applied per step. Each step contains approximately (Generation: Frequency รท Generation: Step: Number) branches. == Number == Determines the number of steps to distribute the computed frequency among. >**Note:** If __Generation: Style__ is set to relative, the actual number of steps generated is computed based on the length of the parent node. == Spread == The maximum amount of lengthwise node spacing allowed from the center of each step to its extents. == Roll == The amount each step is rolled relative to the previous step. == Per Step Frequency == The number of nodes from the __Generation: Frequency__ value is created per step, rather than the frequency value being distributed among all the steps. ==== Shared ==== The "Shared" properties are common to all generation modes and are documented [[generation_properties#Shared|here]].